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Your testimonials


«There was a time when the publication of results devoted to biochemical kinship and the molecular and energetic similarities of man, algae and crystal would have earned its author the warm certainty to be condemned to be burned at the stake... A time that must be regretted because with it disappears the only certainty that the biologist and the philosopher experienced together. Today, Gilles Gutierrez's invitation to revisit these analogies is safe: it is a perfect scientific transgression and a call for an existential adventure for a global vision of life. As in science a false error is not necessarily a true truth, the proposed adventure is a real biotechnological breakthrough in the transgressive Pasteurian tradition. This is neither the result of chance nor necessity, the trajectory of Gilles Gutierrez of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Cell Biology led him to flexibly overcome methodological obstacles and disciplinary walls, he could have remained contemplative on the banks of the Rubicon with his net, I mean his mass spectrometer, he preferred to counter current in the most difficult hours, prove that nothing is ever lost as long as there is something to be found and that the solution is to a problem what the result is to a company... And now, how can we not yet be susceptible to his invitation, but how can we not be vigilant so that this transgressive posture remains robust, in the choice of means and teams for real research? How finally, in the face of this exceptional course do not hope that these few lines - simple and appreciative contribution to the exercise - will be more positive by not adding anything, there are so many beautiful things to say ... over and over again. »

Jean-Alexis Grimaud, 2019

Professor at the Faculty of Medicine University Paris VI

Former General Director of the Pasteur Institute of Lyon

Former Director of Biotechnology of the Ministry of Research


« Having been suffering from breast cancer since September 2010, I had to undergo a mastectomy. Since then, and following the advice of my doctor, I am taking 3 tablets of DNA.PKASE per day throughout the treatment chemo and radiotherapy also 1 tablet of Milactif 200 and 1 Preservation tablet during the operation, chemo and radiotherapy. Today I reduced to 2 tablets of DNA.PKASE 6 days a week, 1 Milactive 6 days a week. I must confess that I was not sick at all during this treatment (neither nausea, vomiting, nor fatigue). I must also tell you, I met a young woman with the disease like me, 37 years old, sick as a dog at the first 2 sessions of chemo, I advised her the same treatment as me, 3rd session : I have not been sick at all nor during the following sessions. The Sativa cream I used is a wonder for burns, so much so that Annecy's radiotherapy department asked me what product I used and I was quick to quote your products with Texinfine's address. Today I am doing very well, thanks to, a lot to your products in which I fully trust. Thank you a thousand times. » Nelly, 2012.


« Last July, at your boutique following the advice of my doctor friend. I have been suffering for 30 years from my legs, heavy, swollen and I could not wear any skirt in the summer as the legs were always swollen (impossible for me to bend them or squat in the summer). I'm 51 years old, I certainly have a few extra pounds. However, I have a balanced diet, lots of fruits and vegetables, less bread, less sugar let's say I pay attention on a daily basis. Your dietary supplement was announced to me as a little miraculous..... it is! The first day I had this feeling of "lightness" I felt good I no longer suffered from my legs, for the first time in my life I wore flip flops in the middle of summer and dresses, I live again! Thank you for this extraordinary product that concretely changed a lot of things for me. » Laurence, 2017


« Doctor's wife, suffering from very severe osteoporosis (column at -4 with fracture), catastrophic medical CV, two thyroid cancers, intestine in very bad non-absorbent condition (50cm less colon), I come to thank you for the results obtained with three years of Dictyolone who bemused the rheumatologist BERTHIER; it is unheard of and unexpected. Some other acquaintances also had similar results. Well done and thank you! » Lucienne, 2017